Vienna the Clean
This is my first post so I will apologize ahead of time. I doubt my writing will be as good or as witty as everyone else’s , but I’ll do my best.
Day 32
We arrived on Vienna and after finding our surprisingly stylish apartment decided to get lunch and see the city . With the help of our friend and tour guide Claudia we walked the city seeing countless beautiful buildings including Parliament , Hofburg Palace , Museumsquartier, and St. Stephen’s Cathedral. I will say this of Vienna; basically every building is beautiful and clean . Seriously this city is so CLEAN! That night was also Claudia’s birthday so after getting dinner at one of the multiple stalls at the local film festival we met up with one of Claudia’s friends for a “few” celebratory drinks .
Day 33
After sleeping in we went to the national history museum . This thing was huge ! My favorite part was probably the dinosaur section with an animatronic velociraptor . After our long day of learning, we made dinner and relaxed watching our favorite show of this trip, ” The Big Bang Theory”.
Day 34
Today we got up early and headed to the Schonbrunn Palace. It was the summer residence for the Austrian monarchs, mostly the Hapsburgs. The palace was beautiful and I highly recommend the tour and packing a lunch to get lost in the gardens. I became obsessed with Empress Maria Theresa and Empress Sissi . I won’t bore you in this blog with all the history but just ask me if you want way too much info. After the palace we went to the Nason market and sampled olives , sweets and whatever else they would give us for free. We ended the day with a traditional Austrian meal with Claudia and two of her friends .
Day 35
We woke bright and early and headed for Rome!
Memorable moments :
- Assaulting the baby elephant statue at the national history museum – there are many pictures
- Best Ice Cream we have ever had. Wish I remembered what is was called. Claudia if your reading this help us out!
- Hearing some Austrian street performers attempt to sing”Johnny be good ” they almost got all the words right .
- Celebrating Claudia’s birthday and making some new Austrian friends
Things we learned
- Having a local in the city is always a plus.
- Schnitzel cordon bleu and Goulash is delicious all over Austria.
- Being able to take an open beer on the street is a novelty that is always fun.
All and all , I would highly recommend Vienna to everyone especially if you enjoy history.