Tagged: wine


Our Roadtrip to Melbourne

  Days 265-270 (April 19-24): After recovering from a hangover that set us back a couple of hours, we made it to the airport, got the rental car, and began the long drive down to Melbourne.  We arrived to the city...


Buddies in Brisbane

  Days 256-260 (April 9-13): It took us about a day to get back to Bali from the Gili Islands and to board our flight out of country and continent.  We were headed for the continent of Oceania, and Australia...


A Wine-Filled Welcome to Cape Town

  Our final stop before Christmas break, as Katie dubbed it, was to the country of South Africa.    We were headed to Cape Town for a few days, where we would meet up with Adam’s cousin Emilee before heading out...


More Portugal Please!

  After tearing up the town in London, the Temporary Nomads and our visiting families decided to move onto a new country with a new vibe. Friends I had met during my time studying abroad had always told me that...


Loving Lausanne

  We left France and headed for our fourth country: Switzerland. We decided to forego the typical tourist spots of Geneva, Zurich, and Bern, primarily because of budget restrictions (Switzerland is pricey but Airbnbs in the big cities are even...