Tagged: food tour


The Magic of Mexico City

  Days 342-344 (July 5-7, 2017): In the wee hours of the morning, we said good-bye to Smo at the airport as she boarded a plane bound for the U.S. and we boarded one headed for Mexico.  We were starting...


Touring & Skiing Santiago

  Days 304-310 (May 28-June 3, 2017): We departed our first South American country, bound for Chile.  The intense snowfall through the pass had subsided and the roads had been cleared enough for bus travel to finally be possible.  We...


A Taste of Ho Chi Minh City

    Ho Chi Minh City was the last stop on our tour of Vietnam.  We were only going to be in the city for three nights, but we were determined to make the best of it. What We Did...