Tagged: hike


At the Copa……Copacabana

  Days 323-328 (June 16-21, 2017): Since the past few weeks we had been moving fairly quickly, we decided to take a few extra days to chill out in one place.  We decided that place was going to be the...


Our Roadtrip to Melbourne

  Days 265-270 (April 19-24): After recovering from a hangover that set us back a couple of hours, we made it to the airport, got the rental car, and began the long drive down to Melbourne.  We arrived to the city...


A Time for Taiwan

  We were leaving Japan and heading towards Taiwan, our second country in the continent of Asia.  At roughly the size of the state of Maryland, this country still boasts the 21st largest economy in the world.  We were focusing...


Loving Lausanne

  We left France and headed for our fourth country: Switzerland. We decided to forego the typical tourist spots of Geneva, Zurich, and Bern, primarily because of budget restrictions (Switzerland is pricey but Airbnbs in the big cities are even...